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Webhook Report-SMS-deliver-status

Push SMS deliver status notification to your API address


Notification HTTP Method


Notification Content-Type


Sample Notification Body

Example of notification body:

"report": [
"trade_id": "7093878ea7854d8be4ec5f051bff****", // trade_id in Send-SMS API response
"send_time": 1679389333, // sms send timestamp
"recv_time": 1679389339, // sms receive timestamp
"deliver_status": "DELIVRD", // sms deliver status, "DELIVRD" means that the message delivered to the user, and others are the reasons for not delivered
"phone": "+85264****92" // phone number
], // deliver content
"nonce": "d656ebac973df4156271b1648c35****", // nonce to verify signature
"timestamp": 1679389384, // timestamp
"signature": "127094b7853d4808b5a7b54f1dbae8a2bde4a05e4b97fadb91a8e9eb4a232a74" // signature to verify

Verify Notification

  1. Verify that the timestamp field is within the allowable range of error, it is recommended to be 30s before and after the current time
  2. According to the rules of How to generate Authorization, use the accout_key, account_id, the returned timestamp field and the nonce field to generate a signature, and compare whether it is consistent with the returned signature field

Fail And Re-push

After receiving the notification, please return a response with http status code 200 immediately. Any non-200 response or timeout (timeout period is 10s now) will be regarded as a push failure, and the notification will be re-push. It is recommended that you return a response immediately after receiving the notification, and then process the push content asynchronously.
The rules for re-push are:

  1. Re-push every 5 minutes after the push fails
  2. Up to 5 pushes
  3. Only push the deliver status of SMS sent within 24 hours